Astronomy and Physics Club Past Talks

Past Talks

When we cannot find a particle in the universe, so we go to solids.- by Junyi Shan - March 19<

From PCC to JPL with my Condense Matter Physics- by Simon Huy T Vuong - March 26

The Dynamic Sky of Low-Frequency Radio Astronomy- by Dr. Jake Hartman - April 2

Cosmology from the bottom of the Earth: Telescopes at the South Pole>- by Dr. Howard Hui - April 9

Life in Graduate School - by David Huynh- April 25 in Room: IT 214

Giant Magellan Telescope - by Dr. Rafael Millan-Gabet - April 30

JPL Venus Rover- Jonathan Sauder - May 7br />
Matrix Product States for Quantum Many-Body Systems-by Erika Ye - May 15 (Tentative)

Carnegie Observatories - Jeff Rich - May 21

Thank you to all the speakers for sharing your science with us at Pasadena City College.